The latest guidance of the Ministry of Finance on reducing VAT to 8%

On March 23, 2022, the Minister of Finance issued Official Letter 2688/BTC-TCT guiding the reduction of VAT to 8% according to Decree 15/2022/ND-CP . Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance guides 02 contents on VAT in Decree 15/2022/ND-CP as follows: 1.About groups of goods and services not eligible for VAT reduction Clause 1, Article 1 of […]

Some notes on CIT finalization 2021

In order to support businesses and organizations to well perform the CIT declaration and finalization of the 2021 CIT period, the Hanoi Tax Department pays attention to the taxpayers some of the following contents: List of CIT finalization declaration forms (depending on the actual arising of each taxpayer): – Corporate income tax return (applicable to […]

General Department of Taxation: Compulsory use of electronic invoices from November 1, 2020

The General Department of Taxation issued Official Letter 2578/TCT-CS dated June 23, 2020 answering questions about the mandatory time to use e-invoices. General Department of Taxation: Compulsory use of electronic invoices from November 1, 2020 – On September 12, 2018, the Government issued Decree 119/2018/ND-CP , which stipulates: “ Article 35. Implementation effect … During […]

Employees can register as dependents for the following people to reduce PIT

An employee is entitled to deductions for family circumstances for his or her dependents if the employee has registered for tax and is granted a tax code when calculating personal income tax. Accordingly, according to the provisions of Circular 111/2013/TT-BTC , employees may register for deductions for dependents in the following cases: (1) Children: natural […]


Going back to the provisions in Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree 185/2013/ND-CP, then: “Article 6. Acts of violation on business activities under the Business Registration Certificate. A fine ranging from VND 1,000,000 to VND 5,000,000 shall be imposed for doing business in the wrong line of business, goods or business location stated in the […]


CIT PAYMENT DOCUMENTS – CIT finalization declaration form No. 03/TNDN (issued together with Circular 151/2014/TT-BTC). – Annual financial statements or financial statements up to the time of decision on enterprise’s division, consolidation, merger, transformation, dissolution or termination of operation. – One or several appendices attached to the declaration (depending on the actual arising of the […]


Part I: Preparing tax finalization documents ➡️ Step 1: Prepare an excel file (send email) Export all ledgers from type 1 to type 9, CPPS, Debts in the year of tax inspection to excel => send to the email of the tax party Print all the books in excel, close the book and close the […]

Register for a personal tax code

According to the provisions of Circular 95/2016/TT-BTC, income-paying agencies must register personal tax codes for employees earning income from wages and salaries and tax registration for their dependents. multiplied once a year at least 10 working days before the time of submitting the annual personal income tax finalization dossier. From November 25, 2019, the General […]

From July 1 onwards, incomes over 11 million VND must pay PIT

The National Assembly Standing Committee has just officially issued Resolution 954 on adjusting the family deduction of personal income tax. According to a new resolution issued by the National Assembly Standing Committee: From July 1, 2020, the family deduction for taxpayers is adjusted from 9 million VND/month to 11 million VND/month. Accordingly, the family circumstance-based […]

Conditions for deduction of input value-added tax

The deducted input value-added tax is the basis for calculating the payable value-added tax. Below are the conditions for deduction of input value added tax this year. Base: – Circular 219/2013/TT-BTC – Circular 119/2014/TT-BTC – Circular 26/2015/TT-BTC – Circular 173/2016/TT-BTC According to Article 15 of Circular 219/2013/TT-BTC (amended by clause 10 Article 1 of Circular […]

11 allowances without personal income tax 2020

According to the provisions of Circular No. 111/2013/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance, many allowances and subsidies are included in taxable income and are determined as income from salaries and wages. However, not all allowances are taxable, below are all allowances without personal income tax in 2020, employees need to know to protect their interests. […]

Corporate Income Tax Period

The CIT calculation period is the period in which corporate income is determined. Enterprises can choose the tax period according to the calendar year or the financial year but must notify the tax authority before doing so. This notification will be made by the enterprise when carrying out the procedures for first registration of business […]

How to calculate corporate income tax according to current regulations

According to regulations, for production and business enterprises with taxable income, they must pay corporate income tax (CIT). Below is a detailed guide on how to calculate CIT according to the latest regulations, businesses should note to avoid errors. Instructions on how to calculate CIT According to Clause 1, Article 3 of Circular 78/2014/TT-BTC (amended […]

Deductible and non-deductible expenses when determining taxable income

(According to Article 4 of Circular 96/2015/TT-BTC dated June 22, 2015 effective from August 6, 2015) Except for non-deductible expenses mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article, enterprises may deduct all expenses if they fully satisfy the following conditions: a) Actual expenses incurred in connection with production and business activities of the enterprise. b) The […]

What expenses are deductible when calculating corporate income tax?

Q: My company works in the service sector, incurs less costs like a manufacturing company. So, for service businesses like us, what expenses can be accepted by tax authorities and included in deductible expenses when calculating corporate income tax ? The accountant replied: According to Article 4 of Circular 96/2015/TT-BTC dated June 22, 2015 effective […]


In the face of a very complicated situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, causing damage to people, halting economic, cultural and social activities, affecting business and production activities of enterprises, organizations, households and individuals. To support people and businesses, on April 8, 2020, the Government issued Decree 41/2020/ND-CP stipulating the extension of time for tax payment […]


The State grants a lot of incentives (especially tax incentives) to investment projects, and businesses doing business in the fields, industries and regions are entitled to investment incentives. Below, the DHP Law briefly introduces tax incentives for businesses in accordance with current laws: LEGAL BASIS: Investment Law 2014; Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP detailing and guiding the […]


Late payment of taxes will result in your business being penalized for tax violations and subject to a late payment penalty with a very high interest rate. Therefore, it is very important to pay taxes on time. Therefore, the DHP Law has summarized the tax payment deadlines in accordance with the law so that businesses […]


Currently, the tax policy system has many preferential policies, supporting the development of information technology and science and technology industries. In order to improve the competitiveness of software, information technology and science and technology enterprises, promote investment attraction for information technology development according to the set objectives in the context of economic integration. As international […]


Personal income tax has been in place for a long time in many countries. The subject of this tax is all domestic individuals and foreigners whose income is generated in the host country, regardless of occupation and social status. According to Vietnamese law, personal income taxable income includes income from business, salary, wages, capital investment, […]


According to the law, individuals and organizations that transfer shares or contributed capital in the company must declare and pay income tax arising from the transfer of shares or contributed capital. However, many people do not know about this regulation, leading to many cases where tax authorities send notices of tax arrears after the transfer […]

Enterprises must pay VAT on Tet gifts

( – Giving gifts to customers on holidays, Tet, and customer conferences to serve production and business activities, businesses must make invoices, calculate declaration and pay value added tax (VAT). ) as selling goods to customers. On November 28, 2017, the General Department of Taxation issued Official Letter 5483/TCT-DNL to answer related tax policies on […]

Declare transfer tax on futures contract

According to Official Letter No. 11133/BTC-CST dated August 21, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance on tax policy for income from the transfer of futures contracts on the derivative securities market. The official dispatch provides guidance on determining VAT, CIT and PIT when transferring futures contracts on the derivatives market. Pursuant to Points d and […]

Changes in accounting and tax that need attention from October 2017

Starting from October 2, 2017 (1) Upgrading the iHTKK 3.5.0 application, specifically upgrading the service registration functions on the iHTKK application, including: – Register to use the service using form No. 01/DK-TĐT of Circular 110/2015/TT-BTC (hereinafter referred to as Circular 110 for short); – Register to change information using form No. 02/DK-TDT of Circular 110; […]

Deadline for closing the annual settlement report

The Ministry of Finance has issued Circular 85/2017/TT-BTC stipulating the settlement of the use of state budget investment capital according to the annual budget year. The Circular stipulates the annual settlement of the use of state budget investment capital, including: Making, sending, approving the final settlement, appraising, notifying the results of settlement appraisal and adjusting […]

Until December 31, 2017 – 100% of tax refund documents must be submitted online

Official Letter No. 3474/TCT-KK dated August 4, 2017 of the General Department of Taxation on the continuation of electronic tax refund in the last months of 2017. The document requests provincial Tax Departments to expand the electronic tax refund method to all businesses and VAT refund cases, including tax refunds for exports and investment projects. […]

New tax policy creates favorable conditions for businesses

According to the 2016 Doing Business Report of the World Bank, Vietnam’s tax payment index has increased by 5 places, from 173/189 position to 168/189 ranked countries. The reduction of tax payment hours helps reduce costs for businesses and society by more than VND 7,000 billion/year. But, more importantly, the confidence of businesses has returned, […]

Personal income tax is not exempt when paying school fees for children of Vietnamese working in the country

According to the provisions of point g.7, Clause 2, Article 2 of Circular 111/2013/TT-BTC, the tuition fees paid for the children of Vietnamese workers are only exempt from PIT if this person is working abroad. at the same time have children studying abroad from preschool to high school. In case the Company pays tuition fees […]


Legal basis: Law on Corporate Income Tax 2008; Law on corporate income tax amended in 2013; Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of tax laws in 2014; Decree 218/2013/ND-CP guiding the implementation of the Law on corporate income tax; Decree 91/2014/ND-CP amending Decrees on tax regulations; Decree No. 12/2015/ND-CP guiding the Law amending […]

“Death” of paper invoices should or not?

According to the draft decree regulating sales and service provision invoices drafted by the Ministry of Finance, from the beginning of 2018 electronic invoices will be used instead of paper invoices. However, at the workshop to collect comments for the above draft decree organized by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry […]

Documents to be submitted to bring imported steel to storage

According to the provisions of Official Letter No. 5803/TCHQ-GSQL dated August 31, 2017 of the General Department of Customs on bringing goods to storage for imported steel products. Unified guiding documents on documents to be submitted to the customs authority in order to bring imported steel back for storage while waiting for quality inspection. Accordingly, […]

How to fix the wrong value-added invoice

Wrongly writing value-added invoices is one of the mistakes that billers often make and are very confused in fixing it. And the following article, Phamlaw Law Firm would like to guide how to handle cases of wrongly writing value-added invoices according to Circular 30/2014/TT-BTC, Circular 119, Circular 26. Talking about the problem of writing wrong […]

Some important notes about invoices

Some important notes about invoices. Regulations on invoices in business activities. Pursuant to the documents regulating invoices such as: – Decree 04/2014/ND-CP – Circular 39/2014/TT-BTC – Circular 119/2014/TT-BTC – Circular 26/2015/TT -BTC guides value-added tax and tax management For input invoices – Regulations on invoices eligible for deduction Regarding purchase invoices with a value of […]

Guidance on publishing business registration information, declaring tax information and deadlines for amending and supplementing online business registration dossiers

The Ministry of Planning and Investment issued Official Letter No. 277/BKHĐT-ĐKKD guiding the publication of business registration contents, tax information declaration and the deadline for amending and supplementing the online enterprise registration dossier. death, as follows: Announcement of business registration contents The announcement of enterprise registration contents shall comply with the provisions of Article 33 […]

Declare the bill of lading number on the customs declaration of import and export goods

Decision 1593/QQD-BTC guiding the pilot of declaring the bill of lading number on the customs declaration for export and import (import and export) goods to perform automatic monitoring of goods took effect from August 15, 2017 . Image for illustration purposes only (Internet source) Accordingly, the customs declarant shall declare the criteria on the import-export […]

Edit 5 tax laws: Synchronous reform of the tax system

The implementation of tax laws has contributed positively to the country’s socio-economic development. However, when the level of integration is increasingly expanded, the domestic and foreign economies fluctuate, which has put a requirement to amend and supplement tax policies to suit reality… From this urgent request, implementing the Resolutions of the Politburo, the National Assembly […]

Pilot electronic tax payment and customs clearance 24/7 from October 16, 2017

On August 8, 2017, the General Department of Customs (TCHQ) issued Official Letter 5273/TCHQ-TXNK on implementing the project “Electronic tax payment via banks to coordinate collection and clearance 24/7”. Accordingly, the notification to commercial banks to coordinate in collecting the pilot implementation plan of the project will start from October 16, 2017. In order for […]

How to calculate tax and declare tax when doing business on social networks

The Tax Department has begun to collect tax for individuals and businesses with sales revenue from social networks (Facebook, Zalo, etc.) over 100 million VND/year. Source: According to   For support and advice on accounting and tax issues in the best way, please contact us at the following information: DHP LAW Address: L4-09.OT06 Landmark […]

4 new policies to support businesses and people from January 11, 2022 according to Resolution 43/2022/QH15

4 new policies to support businesses and people from January 11, 2022 according to Resolution 43/2022/QH15 With the goal of recovering and rapidly developing production and business activities, creating favorable conditions for businesses, economic organizations and people, the National Assembly passed Resolution 43/2022/QH15 with many supporting policies. Supporting people and businesses due to the impact […]


Conditional business investment industry means an industry in which the performance of business investment activities in such industry or trade must satisfy necessary conditions for reasons of national defense, security, public order, social safety, social ethics, community health. The list of conditional business lines and industries is specified in Appendix IV of the Law on […]

Procedures for foreign investors to contribute capital and purchase shares of companies in Vietnam

Law firm DHP sends its readers a summary of regulations on foreign investors contributing capital to purchase shares and capital contributions to enterprises in Vietnam as follows: Forms of capital contribution, share purchase, purchase of capital contributions from foreign investors Buy shares issued for the first time or additionally issued shares of a joint-stock company; […]

Is it possible to contribute capital to establish a business with labor?

Hi Lawyer. In the near future, me and some friends plan to contribute capital to establish a joint stock company. Besides capital contribution in cash, some people say that they will contribute 50% cash and 50% labor. So is it possible to contribute capital with labor? ———————————————————————————————— According to the provisions of the Enterprise Law […]

Does setting up a website need to be registered with the competent authority?

I am a sports lover and am in need of setting up a general website about sports in order to help sports lovers like me to easily access daily sports information. easier. So when setting up this website, what procedures do I need to do? ——————————————————————————————————————— General website is the website of an agency, organization […]

05 support for small and medium enterprises converted from business households from October 15, 2021

According to the provisions of Decree 80/2021/ND-CP, small and medium enterprises converted from business households will receive the following support: 05 support for small and medium enterprises converted from business households from October 15, 2021 (illustration image) Support consulting, guiding documents and procedures for setting up a business – The People’s Committees of the provinces […]


“Suspension of business” means the legal status of an enterprise during the period of business suspension as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 206 of the Law on Enterprises. The date of changing the legal status of “Suspended business” is the date the enterprise registers to start suspending its business. The end date of the legal […]


1.The concept of contract suspension Suspension of a labor contract is understood as the suspension of the performance of a labor contract for a certain period of time for reasons prescribed by law or as agreed between the employer and the employee. Cases of contract postponement According to Clause 1, Article 30 of the 2019 […]

Conditions and procedures for suspending social insurance contributions to the retirement fund due to Covid-19

Subjects, conditions and dossiers, and procedures for suspending payment of social insurance contributions to the retirement and survivorship fund for enterprises and employees due to the impact of Covid-19 are prescribed in Decision 23/2021/QD-TTg dated on 7/7/2021. Support object Employees and employers are subject to participation in compulsory social insurance as prescribed in Article 2 […]


Alcohol distribution is a conditional business. To do business in this line, traders must be licensed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Conditions for alcohol distribution business: An enterprise established in accordance with the law. Having a wine distribution system in the area from 02 provinces or centrally-run cities or more (including the area […]


  In the past time, there have been many articles reflecting the situation of artists and celebrities participating in advertising activities, but invisibly aiding the products that are not of actual quality, not as advertised and contrary to the PR word. regulations leave many consumers extremely disappointed. photo: Internet The legal provisions on advertising activities […]


The film Bao Thanh Thien tells about a judge who has the talent to solve cases and judge cases quickly, accurately, and fairly with thrilling and attractive cases. So have any of us ever wondered why Bao Cong (also known as Bao Chung) had such a successful trial? “photo: internet” In addition to Bao Cong’s […]


According to the provisions of the Enterprise Law 2020, a joint-stock company may reduce its charter capital in the following three cases: a) According to the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the company will return a part of the contributed capital to the shareholders in proportion to their share ownership in the company […]